Remove business overload, move forward and regain your confidence with simple effective steps and strategies
Master the essentials and get time for what you want to do, have to do and would love to do.
The TWO everyday business tools that can cause overload AND are also the key to freedom. Learning to use them well and you'll get the space and confidence to focus on your business without worry.
Join me for two half days* and get confident , more productive and the flexibility to spend your time on what you love without worry or cognitive overload from remembering to remember.
Set up you inbox and calendar for success.
Learn the tools to turn your inbox into your assistant
The strategies to get control of your time
PLUS Get valuable insights. A bigger picture view. Identify areas where you can get time back, get more out of your day,
Less chaos and more calm.
Pre assessment and recommendations
A full day hands-on done-with-you session
The actions
The strategies
A mapped calendar
An emptier and streamline view of you current inbox
Next steps actions, from AI support to identifying what to delegate, defer and delete from your to-do list.
* option to combine into one day
Inbox Hero
Free yourself from your Inbox and get the confidence to focus on what matters and freedom to stop checking your phone.
A morning to declutter and learn how to control and maintain a streamlined inbox.
Be 50% more productive and learn how to maximise your teams time too!
get half a day a week back by NOT wasting time checking searching, writing, repeating and refocusing
increase your productivity
reduce distraction, FOMO and overwhelm
confidently focus knowing you have the systems in place to manage what coming in.
See the tools in use and the strategies that I use with my clients and start to identify what you can delegate and delete.
Pre assessment, inbox review and recommendations
A 1/2 day hands-on done-with-you session
The actions to turn your inbox into your assistant
The strategies to maintain the systems
A Decluttered, emptier and streamline view of you current inbox
Want a little More?
Master 3 Business tools & Grow with Confidence
Have a Team? Ask about team training.
Control the inbox(s), collaborate with ease and increase visibility of who what where.
Empower you and your team with the tools to make life simpler
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